In this delightful adventure mystery, three nocturnal animals join forces to become the Nocturnal Brigade. Their adventure begins when they discover animals are missing and it looks as though they are being kidnapped. As the brigade works to solve the mystery, their individual personalities become evident. Dawn, the leader of the group, is a fox and tends to be the level-headed, logical thinker of the group. Tobin, the pangolin, is Dawn’s support and a very gentle creature, but brave in his own way. Bismark, the sugar glider, provides the “comic relief”—He is very sensitive about being called a bat and thinks very highly of himself. Other interesting characters include Cora, a wombat whose brother is one of the kidnapped animals, and Jerry, the jerboa who is working with the kidnappers and stutters when he is not telling the truth. This is an adventure worth reading, filled with excitement, danger, suspense and surprise. Each chapter begins with a small illustration and the language is clear and easy to understand.