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Services for Black Youth

Closing [:42]


We invite you to apply the research presented in this workshop, to adopt and adapt the practices described, molding them to fit the context of your community, and to share this information with your colleagues.

Additional Resources

Annotated Bibliography.

About the Authors

Sandra Hughes-Hassell, PhD, is professor at the School of Information & Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the recipient of the 2013 and 2014 Virginia Hamilton Essay Award Citation for her essays on the topic of African American youth, literacy instruction, and text choices for services to multicultural populations.

Casey Rawson, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she earned a PhD in 2016 and an MSLS in 2011 with a concentration in school library media. She also holds an MAT in middle grades education from the University of Louisville and is a former sixth- and seventh-grade science teacher. Her research interests include teacher-librarian collaboration in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content areas, diversity and equity in youth services librarianship, and portrayals of scientists in children's literature. Her articles include “Are All Lists Created Equal? Diversity in Award-Winning and Bestselling Young Adult Fiction,” which received the 2012 YALSA Writing Award; and “Rethinking the Texts We Use in Literacy Instruction with Adolescent African American Males,” written with Sandra Hughes-Hassell, which received a 2013 Virginia Hamilton Essay Award Honor Citation.

Select Citation Style:
MLA Citation
Hughes-Hassell, Sandra, and Casey H. Rawson. "Services for Black Youth. Closing [:42]." School Library Connection, ABC-CLIO, May 2017,
Chicago Citation
Hughes-Hassell, Sandra, and Casey H. Rawson. "Services for Black Youth. Closing [:42]." School Library Connection video. May 2017.
APA Citation
Hughes-Hassell, S., & Rawson, C. H. (2017, May). Services for black youth. Closing [:42] [Video]. School Library Connection.

Entry ID: 2071179