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Sound Learning: Audiobooks in the Library to Support Literacy

Sound Learning: Audiobooks in the Library to Support Literacy


Audiobooks have come to the forefront of education, helping students learn through the power of active listening. Current research indicates that 85% of learning derives from listening and 30% of people are auditory learners. With this data, it is critical that educators and librarians in particular understand the value of providing audiobook opportunities to their learners. Audiobooks provide an excellent option while promoting literacy by focusing on the art of listening. As librarians, we must explore more varied avenues for meeting the literacy needs of all learners.

This webinar will focus on defining why critical listening is essential, the benefits of audiobooks, and an introduction to audiobook programs that support libraries and classrooms. Tune in for tips to promote the circulation of an audiobook collection, as well as suggestions for funding audio. The webinar will conclude with an "I'm ask me anything about audiobooks: Q and A".

Join us to learn:

  • Why critical listening skills will help your students succeed
  • How to use audiobooks to meet the literacy needs of all learners
  • Tips to get your audiobook collection circulating
  • Ways to fund the development of your audiobook collection


About the Presenter

Rose Brock, PhD, is assistant professor in the Department of Library Science at Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville, Texas. A veteran educator and advocate for using audiobooks as a tool for literacy, she is cofounder of the literacy initiative Guys Listen, a part of the Guys Read literacy national program. Dr. Brock was awarded the Siddie Joe Johnson Award for Outstanding Service to Youth by the Texas Library Association and is one of the cofounders of the North Texas Teen Book Festival. She is author of the third edition of Young Adult Literature in Action: A Librarian's Guide and the editor of Hope Nation: Young Adult Authors Share Personal Moments of Inspiration.

Select Citation Style:
MLA Citation
Brock, Rose. "Sound Learning: Audiobooks in the Library to Support Literacy." School Library Connection, September 2019,
Chicago Citation
Brock, Rose. "Sound Learning: Audiobooks in the Library to Support Literacy." School Library Connection, September 2019.
APA Citation
Brock, R. (2019, September). Sound learning: Audiobooks in the library to support literacy [Video]. School Library Connection.

Entry ID: 2225391