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Social and Emotional Learning through Inquiry [27:11]

Social and Emotional Learning through Inquiry [27:11]

While educators agree on the importance of developing the whole child during the formative education years, it's not always easy figuring out the most effective way to do so. In this video interview, Barbara K. Stripling sits down with Kristy Hill, Social and Emotional Learning Coach in Fort Worth, Texas, to discuss how SEL and inquiry-based learning are strongly interrelated, and how the most successful class projects fully involve both. Hill brings twenty years of experience as a classroom teacher, librarian, researcher, and writer to the conversation, explaining that all learning is social and emotional: "SEL isn't something we want to pile on top of a teacher's plate. Social and Emotional Learning is the plate. It's the foundation on which we build the rest of our learning."

0:00 Introduction
1:23 Fundamentals of Social and Emotional Learning
4:17 The Relationship Between SEL and Inquiry
7:19 Schoolwide SEL Integration
9:52 Educator Experience with SEL and Inquiry
13:29 Transformative SEL
19:49 Bringing SEL into Professional Development

Select Citation Style:
MLA Citation
Stripling, Barbara K., and Kristy Hill. "Social and Emotional Learning through Inquiry [27:11]." School Library Connection, April 2021,
Chicago Citation
Stripling, Barbara K., and Kristy Hill. "Social and Emotional Learning through Inquiry [27:11]." School Library Connection Video. April 2021.
APA Citation
Stripling, B. K. , & Hill, K. (2021). Social and Emotional Learning through Inquiry [27:11] [Video]. School Library Connection. Retrieved from

Entry ID: 2263082