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Assessing to Empower Learners

Introduction [2:11]


In this series, library advocate and esteemed professor Dr. Barbara Stripling brings you a comprehensive look at the power of assessment. From building a relationship of trust with students to transforming their learning, assessment ensures that students leave the library with increased confidence, skills, and expertise. Learn strategies and tools for infusing rich assessments throughout your instructional program, along with practical examples that you can try right away. Empower your students for success with meaningful assessment in the library!


  • Learn the three characteristics shared by effective assessments
  • Learn three compelling reasons to assess student learning in the library
  • Learn the components of student learning best suited for assessment in the library
  • Learn how to implement diagnostic assessments to gauge students' interests, attitudes, and prior knowledge.
  • Learn how to authentically incorporate formative assessment into your programming
  • Learn how to apply the REACTS taxonomy to summative assessment
  • Learn four significant benefits that can result from analyzing assessment data


Each workshop lesson includes video content and a follow-up activity to help you apply and show evidence of your learning.

Introduction Video

Lesson 1: What Do We Mean by Assessment in the Library?

Activity: Reflection on Past Assessments

Lesson 2: Why Do We Assess Student Learning?

Activity: What's Your Why?

Lesson 3: What Do We Assess?

Activity: Teach Skill, Assess Skill

Lesson 4: Diagnostic Assessment

Activity: Awakening Prior Knowledge

Lesson 5: Formative Assessment

Activity: Tools and Strategies for Formative Assessment

Lesson 6: Summative Assessment

Activity: Assessing Information Fluency

Lesson 7: How Can We Use Assessment Data?

Activity: Assessment Data and Advocacy

Closing Video

Workshop Quiz


Earn three professional development clock hour for completing this workshop's videos, activities, and quiz. Consult with your supervising organization about applying these to your professional development requirements.


To show evidence of learning for this course, complete and share the following:

  1. Reflection on Past Assessments
  2. What's Your Why? Reflection
  3. Teach Skill, Assess Skill Table
  4. Awakening Prior Knowledge Table
  5. Tools and Strategies for Formative Assessment Reflection
  6. Assessing Information Fluency Table
  7. Assessment Data and Advocacy Reflection
  8. Workshop Quiz Results / Certificate of Completion


Barbara K. Stripling, PhD, is Senior Associate Dean and associate professor emerita at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. She earned her doctorate in information management from Syracuse University. Stripling is the author of numerous books and articles on school libraries, advocacy, inquiry, assessment, learning, and primary sources. Stripling was the 2013–2014 president of the American Library Association. Previously, in her 40-year library career, Stripling has been Director of Library Services for the New York City schools, a school library media specialist and school district director of libraries in Arkansas, a library grant program director in Tennessee, and director of library programs at a local education fund in New York City. Stripling is a former president of the American Association of School Librarians.


School Library Connection is a publication of Libraries Unlimited, a publisher in the field of academic, public, school, and special libraries since 1964. Libraries Unlimited's mission—to cultivate and maintain a supportive community where librarians, archivists, and information specialists can learn about and discuss leading-edge trends and acquire new skills through every phase of their careers—is supported by over 2,000 publications. Since 2008, Libraries Unlimited has been an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, an award-winning publisher of digital and print products in the realms of reference, contemporary thought, and professional development. With both a long-standing reputation for authoritative and trustworthy materials and a current prominence in delivering cutting-edge content in diverse and innovative forms, ABC-CLIO continues to be driven by pursuit of its core mission: to serve as source, catalyst, and support of lifelong learning.


To make inquiries about this workshop, please email

Additional Resources

Annotated Bibliography.

About the Author

Barbara K. Stripling, DPS, is recently retired from a long career in the library profession, including positions as Director of Library Services for the New York City schools, a school library media specialist and school district director of libraries in Arkansas, a library grant program director in Tennessee, and Senior Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Practice in the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. Barb has written or edited numerous books and articles and is the creator of the Stripling Model of Inquiry. Stripling has recently developed and published (in April 2019) a re-imagined version of the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum, a PK-12 continuum of the skills that librarians teach to empower students to be lifelong learners ( Stripling has served the profession as president of the American Association of School Librarians (1986-1987), president of the New York Library Association (2016-2017), president of the American Library Association (2013-2014), and current president of the Freedom to Read Foundation (2020-). Email:, Twitter: @barbstripling, LinkedIn: barbarastripling

MLA Citation

Stripling, Barbara K. "Assessing to Empower Learners. Introduction [2:11]." School Library Connection, ABC-CLIO, November 2019,

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Entry ID: 2228068

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