Engaging the Learning Community

Introduction [1:21]
Rebecca Morris discusses the importance of involving your entire community in your school library. Reaching out to parents, volunteers, and community leaders and bring their work and interests into the school library. Seeing them as more than volunteers, but rather as teachers or co-learners can help you to expand our learning communities.

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Annotated Bibliography.

About the Author

Rebecca J. Morris, MLIS, PhD, is teaching associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Computing and Information. She earned her master's degree and doctorate at the University of Pittsburgh and her undergraduate degree in elementary education at Pennsylvania State University. Rebecca has published articles in journals including School Library Research, Knowledge Quest, School Libraries Worldwide, Teacher Librarian and the Journal of Research on Young Adults in Libraries. She is the author of School Libraries and Student Learning: A Guide for School Leaders (Harvard Education Publishing Group, 2015). Rebecca is a former elementary classroom teacher and middle school librarian.

Email: rmorris@schoollibraryconnection.com

Twitter: @rebeccajm87.

MLA Citation

Morris, Rebecca J. "Engaging the Learning Community. Introduction [1:21]." School Library Connection, ABC-CLIO, June 2016, schoollibraryconnection.com/Content/Course?LearningModuleId=2018650&topicCenterId=2247902.

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