Challenge-Based Makerspaces

Introduction [1:06]
Makerspaces are everywhere! Whether you are creating one for your library or just looking to keep your students engaged in authentic learning experiences, Diana Rendina has created this course to help you get past all the jargon and build the best makerspace for your school. Topics include building a culture of creativity, connecting your makers with others around the world, and using design challenges to keep students engaged. Deepen your understanding of makerspaces and earn PD credit through the concise video lessons and application activities.

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Annotated Bibliography.

About the Author

Diana Rendina, MLIS, is the media specialist at Tampa Preparatory School in Tampa, FL. Prior to this, she was the media specialist at Stewart Middle Magnet School, where she transformed their library and piloted their makerspace program. Diana, the winner of the 2016 ISTE Outstanding Young Educator Award and the 2015 AASL Frances Henne Award for emerging leaders, is active in the ISTE Librarians Network, AASL and FAME. She is an international speaker on the Maker Movement and learning space design. Diana is a coauthor of Challenge-Based Learning in the School Library Makerspace and the author of Reimagining Library Spaces: Transform Your Space on Any Budget. Find her online at her blog and on Twitter @DianaLRendina.

MLA Citation

"Challenge-Based Makerspaces. Introduction [1:06]." School Library Connection, ABC-CLIO, April 2021,

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