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How the Library Can Help Students Navigate Mental Health

How the Library Can Help Students Navigate Mental Health

The library is often a safe haven for students who are in the midst of traversing complex academic, social, and emotional worlds. Librarians have the unique opportunity to support students who face mental health challenges—and can make a huge difference in their students' lives as a result. Join our four experts—Rebecca J. Morris, Deborah Takahashi, Kia Jane Richmond, and Anita Cellucci—in this webinar as they discuss tools and strategies to help you help your students, from bibliotherapy to building resource partnerships to integrated Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs.

Join us to learn how to:

  • Connect students with young adult literature titles that feature characters with mental illness
  • Develop partnerships to provide services and resources to serve teenagers with mental illness
  • Assist teens experiencing a crisis
  • Build SEL programming in the library, including mindfulness, trauma-informed practices, and more

About the Presenters

Anita Cellucci, MEd, LMS, is a teacher librarian at Westborough High School, Westborough, MA, and a teaching lecturer for Plymouth State University, NH. Anita sits on the AASL Board of Directors as the Region 1 Director. She is also a Guided Inquiry Design practitioner. For her work in relation to mental health and social-emotional learning she received the School Librarian of the Year 2016 Finalist Award and was named a 2019 LJ Mover & Shaker.

Rebecca J. Morris, MLIS, PhD, is teaching associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Computing and Information. She earned her master's degree and doctorate at the University of Pittsburgh and her undergraduate degree in elementary education at Pennsylvania State University. Rebecca has published articles in journals including School Library Research, Knowledge Quest, School Libraries Worldwide, Teacher Librarian and the Journal of Research on Young Adults in Libraries. She is the author of School Libraries and Student Learning: A Guide for School Leaders (Harvard Education Publishing Group, 2015). Rebecca is a former elementary classroom teacher and middle school librarian.


Twitter: @rebeccajm87.

Kia Jane Richmond, PhD, is professor of English at Northern Michigan University, where she directs the English Education program. She was selected as the recipient of her university's Excellence in Teaching Award in 2014. An active member of the National Council of Teachers of English, the Conference on English Education, and the Michigan Council of Teachers of English (MCTE), she was awarded the Charles Carpenter Fries Award for Excellence in Teaching/Mentoring by MCTE in 2015. She is a co-recipient of the Conference on English Education's English Leadership Quarterly Best Article Award for 2017.

Deborah Takahashi is a librarian for the Pasadena Public Library. She specializes in youth services. Certified in youth mental health first aid, she writes for ALA's Young Adult Services Association (YALSA) blog.

MLA Citation

Takahashi, Deborah K., Anita M. Cellucci, and Kia Jane Richmond. "How the Library Can Help Students Navigate Mental Health." School Library Connection, October 2019,

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Entry ID: 2228341

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