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Escape from the Ordinary: Creating Curriculum-Connected Breakouts

Escape from the Ordinary: Creating Curriculum-Connected Breakouts

There's no doubt that breakout activities engage students and help them learn key skills, such as problem solving, close reading, and abstract reasoning. But it's often difficult to find breakout activities that connect to specific content from your school's curriculum. And that's where the fun begins! Simple strategies can ease the process of creating custom breakouts that not only boost student skills and keep them actively engaged, but also move your curricular objectives forward.

Join us to learn:

  • The basics of a breakout, including how and why to do them
  • How to locate existing breakout activities to use or adapt
  • How to create successful breakouts with your own student objectives in mind

About the Presenter

Robyn Young, MLS, is the school librarian at Avon High School in Avon, IN. She is a past president of the Indiana Library Federation and the Association for Indiana School Library Educators. She is also the past-chair of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Induction Program.

MLA Citation

Young, Robyn. "Escape from the Ordinary: Creating Curriculum-Connected Breakouts." School Library Connection, June 2020,

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Entry ID: 2248458

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