Equity and Inclusion


Elizabeth Barrera Rush
Research shows that children are more successful in school and beyond when they feel their identity is respected and when they experience a variety of people and cultures unlike their own. As a librarian, being responsible for providing an environment that celebrates diversity is undoubtedly a daunting task. This page seeks to explore ways to help create a place that allows students to feel safe, welcomed, and valued. It also strives to be a place where open dialogue happens. I invite you to be yourself and share in this safe space. As we learn from others, we can explore ways to establish a brave space that empowers all who rely on us for help.

Elizabeth Barrera Rush
District Library Specialist, Texas

The Role Model Effect

by Elizabeth Barrera Rush

If students have the opportunity to interact with a positive and professional adult who shares similar culture, color, or beliefs, then scholarship or professionalism seems more attainable. When students see a person of color or an openly LGBTQIA+ individual as an educator, they may see themselves as having the potential to become a professional, highly educated person, as well. They may work harder in school, be more apt to take college admission exams, or seek higher levels of education to obtain their goals. In education, where the majority of the workforce is white and female, how can we advocate for diversity in librarianship, to champion and support librarians and teachers on the full spectrum of differences?  Read More >>