Assessing to Empower Learners
Closing [2:42]
Barbara Stripling introduced how assessment could be built into our every day work to help empower students. As partners in the learning process, using assessment to help guide students and build a trust with them, allows them to know we are there with them throughout their learning. Covering the Why? What? and How? of assessment in student learning, Barbara discussed its power in making sure that students are successful along the way. She discussed several different types of assessment that will provide students the necessary skills to become empowered learners.Additional Resources
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MLA Citation
Stripling, Barbara K. "Assessing to Empower Learners. Closing [2:42]." School Library Connection, ABC-CLIO, November 2019,
Chicago Citation
Stripling, Barbara K. "Assessing to Empower Learners. Closing [2:42]." School Library Connection video. November 2019.
APA Citation
Stripling, B. K. (2019, November). Assessing to empower learners. Closing [2:42] [Video]. School Library Connection.
Entry ID: 2228073