Contact Information
State Department of Education
450 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
Certification Requirements
Connecticut requires a Masters or licensure in school library media as an endorsement. School Library Media Specialist requires up to 30 semester hours of graduate credit in school library media. Up to 21 graduate credits may be accepted in educational technology or library science. However, at least nine graduate credits must be specific to school-based coursework in such areas as: teaching students, staff, and faculty to utilize media and its accompanying technology by applying valid instructional methods and techniques; application of principles of administration and supervision for effective leadership and operation of the school library media center program; and formulation of the educational specifications and contribution to the design of school library media facilities.
An Alternate Route to Certification for Library Media Specialist (ARCLMS) is being offered. ARCLMS is an advanced educator preparation program approved by the CT State Board of Education. It was developed by ACES in response to the statewide shortage of qualified, certified school library media specialists in CT. Teachers who complete the one year program of study will earn cross-endorsement #062, Library Media Specialist K-12, and are required to have a Professional Educator teaching Certificate or CT provision that is valid. These programs can be accessed through the ACES platform:
Connecticut participates with several states in the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC), however Connecticut does not have reciprocity with any other state. Candidates applying for a Connecticut certificate may be eligible based upon:
- Completion of a state approved planned educator preparation program, including Connecticut's specific course work and assessment requirements; or
- Verification of a minimum of twenty months of full-time appropriate experience in the same approved nonpublic school, or out-of-state public school under an appropriate state certificate, permit or authorization, and completion of Connecticut's specific course work and assessment requirements.