New York
Contact Information
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Ave, 5N, EB
Albany, NY 12234
Certification Requirements
There are 5 Pathways to Licensure in New York.
Pathway I Approved Teacher Preparation Program:
- Completion of a New York State registered Program-Library Media Specialist
- Recommendation from Higher Education Institution
- New York State Teacher Certification Exam—Liberal Arts and Science Test (LAST)
- New York State Teacher Certification Exam—Secondary Assessment of Teaching Skills (ATS-W)
- Content Specialty Test (CST) Library Media Specialist
- Fingerprint Clearance
Pathway II: Individual Evaluation
- Education: Bachelor's Degree
- Minimum 2.50 Undergraduate GPA
- General Core in Liberal Arts and Sciences-30 semester hours
- Graduate Coursework-Library Science-30 semester hours
- Pedagogical Core-21 semester hours
- College supervised Practicum-Library Media Specialist Elementary-20 days
- College supervised Practicum-Library Media Specialist Secondary-20 days
- New York State Teacher Certification Exam-LAST
- New York State Teacher Certification Exam-ATS-W
- CST-Library Media Specialist
- Workshop: Child Abuse Identification
- Workshop: School Violence Intervention and Prevention
- Fingerprint Clearance
Pathway III: Individual Evaluation for Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate
- Hold a Valid NYS Teaching Certificate
- Graduate Coursework-Library Science-30 semester hours
- Pedagogical Core-21 semester hours
- College supervised Practicum-Library Media Specialist Elementary-20 days
- College supervised Practicum-Library Media Specialist Secondary-20 days
- CST-Library Media Specialist
- Workshop-Child Abuse Identification
- Workshop-School Violence Intervention and Prevention
- Fingerprint Clearance
Pathway IV: Interstate Reciprocity
- Education-Bachelor's Degree
- Valid Level 2 or Higher Certification and 3 years experience or completion of approved program-Library Media Specialist
- New York State Teacher Certification Exam-LAST
- New York State Teacher Certification Exam-ATS-W
- CST-Library Media Specialist
- Fingerprint Clearance
Pathway V: National Board Certification
- Hold a valid National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certificate-Early Childhood through Young Adult-Library Media
- Fingerprint Clearance