Contact Information
Oklahoma Department of Education
Teacher Certification
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Room 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: 405-521-3337
Oklahoma Department of Education: https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification
Certification Requirements
Teacher Licensure Needed: Yes
Master's Degree Needed: No
Praxis II Library Media Content Test Needed: No
Other Testing Needed: Yes, passing scores on the Oklahoma Teacher Certification Test. Comparable test evaluation is available for out-of-state candidates by contacting the State Director of Assessment at the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation, (405) 525-2612, for more information. http://www.ceoe.nesinc.com/
Description: CERTIFICATES are issued to educators with at least one year of verified teaching experience under a valid teaching credential in a state or regionally accredited school.
A LICENSE is a one-year credential that is initially issued to educators who completed a teacher education program after February 1, 1982, and who have zero years of teaching experience in a state or regionally accredited school. The applicant will participate in the Residency Program during the initial year of teaching in Oklahoma. A residency committee consisting of a mentor teacher, an administrator, and a faculty member in an institution of higher education will provide guidance and assistance and will ultimately make a recommendation regarding certification.
Evaluation Process for Licensure:
Criteria for eligible individuals:
- Individuals holding National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification may add the Oklahoma certification area(s) without the Oklahoma Subject Area Test.
- Complete a graduate program meeting the professional education association standards specific to the profession.
- Pass the appropriate Oklahoma Subject Area Test.
Reciprocity: Oklahoma follows the Interstate Agreement with the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education & Certification (NASDEC). However, one must meet the state's requirements for teaching licensure because it is not a law. Further information can be found at http://www.nasdtec.net/?InterstateAgreements.
http://www.ceoe.nesinc.com/ & http://www.nasdtec.net/?InterstateAgreements. LMS Certification - School Library Media Certification By State: Oklahoma 0