Contact Information
Office of Teacher Licensing
Tennessee Department of Education
6th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243-0377
Licensure Inquiries: Educator.Licensure@tn.gov
Preparation Inquiries: Educator.Preparation@tn.gov
Certification Requirements
Criteria for eligible individuals:
Educators applying from out-of-state will apply for a practitioner license. The practitioner license has a three-year validity period and is renewable one time. Educators applying from out-of-state must meet the following criteria:
- Have submitted qualifying scores on required content assessments, AND
- Hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university,
- Must have completed an educator preparation program approved for licensure by a state other than Tennessee.
To demonstrate evidence of successful completion of an out-of-state program, the applicant must submit:
- Proof of a full and valid license (comparable to the Tennessee Professional license) from a state with which Tennessee has reciprocity, OR
- Recommendation from the out-of-state provider where the educator completed an approved program.