Contact Information
Professional Certification Office
P.O. Box 47200
600 Washington St. S.E.
Olympia, WA 98504-7200
Phone: (360) 725-6000
Fax: (360) 586-4548
Washington State Department of Education: http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/
Certification Requirements
Teacher Licensure Needed: Yes
Master's Degree Needed: No
Praxis II Library Media Content Test Needed: No
Other Testing Needed: Yes, Washington Educator Skills Test-Basic (WEST-B) is required, although scores on the Praxis I (reading, math, and writing) subtests may be accepted in lieu of the WEST-B and the WEST-E test (http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher/teachertesting.aspx).
Description: Library media is an endorsement on a teacher's license.
Evaluation Process for Licensure:
Criteria for eligible individuals:
- Completion of a college/university program approved to offer the endorsement. This can be in-state or out-of-state.
- WEST-E testing in an area compatible with an endorsement for which they already qualify and are experienced
- National Board certification
Reciprocity: Yes, through the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. This can be found at http://www.nasdtec.net/?InterstateAgreements.
http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/ (http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher/teachertesting.aspx). http://www.nasdtec.net/?InterstateAgreements. LMS Certification - School Library Media Certification By State: Washington 0