
Contact Information


Alabama Department of Education
Teacher Education and Certification Office
5215 Gordon Persons Building, 50 North Ripley Street
P.O. Box 302101
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2101

Phone: (334) 694-4557 (10 a.m.–noon and 1 p.m.–5 p.m. CST)
Fax: (334) 694-4959

Alabama State Department of Education:

Alabama Department of Education (Teacher Education and Certification):

Out of State Certificates:

Certification Requirements

Teacher Licensure Needed: Yes

Master's Degree Needed: Yes

EST Praxis Subject Assessments Library Media Specialist Test Needed: Yes, passing score of 148.

Other Testing Needed: Yes, the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program (AECTP), which consists of the basic skills assessments and Praxis II ® tests (content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge).

Description: In the state of Alabama, the School Librarian certification is a special endorsement on a teaching license that allows you to be a school librarian or media specialist at a P-12 level. If you want to be a librarian at a public or private school in Alabama, you'll need to seek licensure. The license is a library media specialist certificate.

Evaluation Process for Licensure:

Criteria for determining eligibility for certification as a library-media specialist shall include the following:

  • The study of library-media begins at fifth-year level with eligibility for initial certification in library-media including at least baccalaureate-level professional educator's certification in a teaching field. Alabama's School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner can be found at:
  • If you don't have an existing teaching license, you'll need to go through a 2-year internship-style program mandated by the state of Alabama. You'll receive what's called an Interim Employment Certificate (IEC). This allows you to be hired as a Library Media Specialist even if you don't have previous experience teaching. Whichever path you choose, you'll need to complete an Alabama State Certified Master's Degree in Library Media OR a Master's Degree in Library Media/Library Science from an accredited university.

Reciprocity: Yes. Alabama is a participant in the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement though it is not in statute or regulation. Applicates must meet or provide proof that all state requirements have been met.

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