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Contact Information

Michigan Department of Education
Office of Professional Preparation Services/Teacher Certification
608 West Allegan St.
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Phone: 833-633-5788
Fax: 517-355-4565

Michigan Department of Education:,1607,7-140-5234_5683_14795---,00.html

Certification Requirements

Teacher Licensure Needed: Yes

Master's Degree Needed: No

Praxis II Library Media Content Test Needed: No

Other Testing Needed: The Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Library Media Content Test (Score 48) is required for the initial certificate. Teachers with three or more years of teaching experience out-of-state are exempt from the MTCC.

Description: A teaching certificate in Library Media may be a major (30 semester hours) or minor (20 semester hours) for either elementary or secondary provisional certificates.

Evaluation Process for Licensure:

The criteria for eligible individuals are:

  • Applicant for a Provisional certificate must possess a valid certificate of course completion for First Aid training that includes Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for both children and adults. This training may be from the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, or from a comparable organization approved by the Michigan Department of Education
  • Completion of the appropriate reading methods course work: Three semester hours for the secondary certificate: six for the elementary certificate
  • Official transcripts

Reciprocity: Michigan follows the Interstate Agreement with the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education & Certification (NASDEC). However, one must meet the state's requirements for teaching licensure. Further information can be found at,1607,7-140-5234_5683_14795---,00.html & LMS Certification - School Library Media Certification By State: Michigan 0
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