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Additional Reading

AASL Learning Standards and Guidelines

American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has created standards and guidelines for school librarians.

AASL Crosswalk Standards

American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has also created a crosswalk of library standards with Common Core standards for school librarians.

American Library Association Collection Development

The American Library Association (ALA) has developed a list of resources as a guide to collection development.

Common Core State Standards

The Common Core State Standards have been adopted by a majority of states. These standards help in collection development. See the AASL Crosswalk above to connect these with AASL standards for school libraries.

Farmer, Leslie. "SLJ's Spending Survey: As the Economy Limps along and Federal Dollars Dwindle, School Librarians Are Turning into Resourceful Survivors." School Library Journal, March 1, 2011.

This article discusses effective ways to spend money when budgets are tight.

Franklin, Patricia and Claire Gatrell Stephens. School Library Collection Development: Just the Basics. Libraries Unlimited, 2012.

A step by step manual with guidelines for collection development.

Franklin, Patricia and Claire Gatrell Stephens. Library 101. Libraries Unlimited, 2015.

A handbook for new and seasoned school librarians that discusses practical issues important in all aspects of the library program, including colleciton management.

IUPUI School if Library and Information Science.

Useful information from the Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Department of Library and Information Science graduate program.

Johnson, Doug. "Budgeting for Mean, Lean Times" 2007.

This article originally published in Multimedia Schools, discusses effective ways to spend money when budgets are tight.

Collection Development Policies and Procedures in school LIbraries. Resources for School Librarians.

This website from Linda Bertland offers numerous excellent links to resources for selection and collection development.

Fabbi, Jennifer, Darla Bressler, and Vanessa Earp. A Guide To Writing CMC Collection Development Policies. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2007.

An in depth guide on how to write your collection development plan.

School Library Collection Development Policy Guidelines South Carolina Department of Education

South Carolina Department of Education website for Media Specialists lists links for running an exemplary media program.

Vnuk, Rebecca. "Weeding Without Worry." American Libraries May 2016 pg 50-53

A short article that discusses all aspects of weeding.

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MLA Citation
Franklin, Patricia. "Additional Reading." School Library Connection, August 2017,
Chicago Citation
Franklin, Patricia. "Additional Reading." School Library Connection, August 2017.
APA Citation
Franklin, P. (2017, August). Additional reading. School Library Connection.

Entry ID: 2121467

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