Use the model below to create your own survey to help you discover your students' interests and inform your collection development.
Explain your rationale/why you want readers to complete this survey.
Example: We would love to get to know you better! Please answer the following questions about your preferences, interests, and reading habits as honestly as you can.
Starred questions are required.
- What is your favorite subject in school? *
- What responsibilities do you have outside of school? * Check all that apply.
- Sports
- Music
- Family (for example: babysitting siblings, helping grandparents, chores, etc)
- Tutoring
- Community activities (for example: volunteering, active in religious groups, etc)
- Other activities
- What are your talents? Sports? Music? Drawing? Making friends? Reading? Solving problems? Studying? Tell me about it! *
- Tell me about your "favorites." Favorite song? Favorite food? Favorite movie? Favorite book? Favorite author? Favorite sports team? Any other favorites?
- Let's talk books! How many books are there in your home? Mark only one oval.
- 0-10
- More than 10
- More than 25
- More than 50
- More than 100
- What does someone have to do to be a good reader? Check only the THREE most important choices. Check all that apply.
- read aloud well
- understand what they read
- read a lot
- pronounce words correctly
- know when they are having trouble understanding read different kinds of books
- read fast
- enjoy reading
- read with expression
- concentrate on the reading
- read harder books
- know the meaning of most words
- use strategies to improve their understanding
- ask for help when they need it
- Do you think you are a good reader? Mark only one oval.
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral (In the middle)
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
- Explain your answer to #7.
- What do you usually do when you read? Check all of the boxes that describe what you do. Check all that apply.
- I read silently.
- I look over what I am going to read first to get an idea of what it's about. I try to pronounce all the words correctly.
- I get distracted a lot when I read.
- I have trouble remembering what I read.
- I try to get my reading over with as fast as possible.
- I read a section again if I don't understand it at first.
- I try to concentrate on what I am reading.
- I try to figure out the meaning of words I don't know.
- I read aloud to myself in a quiet voice.
- I look up words I don't know in the dictionary.
- I picture what is happening as I read.
- I try to read with expression.
- I put what I am reading into my own words.
- I think about things I know that connect to the reading.
- How often do you read for fun? Mark only one oval.
- Every day
- Frequently
- Once in awhile, not often
- Never
- When you have to read for school assignments or for fun, how long do you read for? Mark only one oval.
- 1-10 minutes
- 11-30 minutes
- 31-60 minutes
- More than an hour
- What kinds of books do you like to read? Check all of the genres you like to read.
- science fiction adventure/action
- horror
- mysteries
- how-to books
- sports
- biography/autobiography
- realistic fiction
- poetry
- short stories
- history
- science/nature
- humor
- graphic novels/comic books
- romance
- fantasy/myth
- informational books
- Considering the texts that were ASSIGNED to you IN SCHOOL last year, how often did you find the texts MEANINGFUL to you?
- Always
- Frequently
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- How do you feel about writing, either creatively or for school? Tell me about your opinion.
- What are some comments or concerns you have about this class this year?
- What do you hope to achieve in this class?
- Do you have an active public library card?
- Yes
- No
- Would you be interested in being a Bristow Book Ambassador? Activities could include creating book posters, book reviews, help with the book fair when we have one, and promote a love of reading.
- Yes
- No
- Maybe–I need more information.
- Do you plan to participate in Kids Lit Quiz Club if it is offered as a club?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
- I do not know what that is but I am interested in learning more.
- Is there a book (or books) you are hoping to read next? If so, what are they? We would love to have a book or two ready to deliver to your advisory the first week of school! List the titles in the box below. *If you would like to search the library catalog, go to whps.follettdestiny.com (Here is a how-to video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=dfOD0cRF_40). OPTIONAL
- Comments and/or additional questions.
Link to the Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9ifuTW4F8nugp-Ctyf6-F_PFrGJdNc647WQKgIXxac2AkKg/viewform
MLA Citation
Thom, Melissa. "Reader Identity Sample Survey Questions." School Library Connection, February 2025, schoollibraryconnection.com/Content/Article/2275507.
Entry ID: 2275507