eBooks and Audiobooks

Resource List
Get the most out of eBooks and audiobooks with these resources.
  1. 1
    Resource Type: Feature
    As learners arrive at schools with years of experience in digital environments, their habits and predispositions have positive and negative consequences for reading performance. By putting research to work, school librarians can be instructionally and administratively strategic with this new breed of learner and the digital universe.
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    Resource Type: Feature
    Audiobooks, just like print books, are not created equal. This article is about some of the things to consider when choosing a children's or YA book for listening, and some places to find recommendations.
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    Resource Type: Activity
    Learning activity for lesson 5 of Jeanette Larson's workshop Weeding for Success.
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    Resource Type: Feature
    From the librarian's perspective, there are many advantages to eBooks, but students and teachers may be surprisingly resistant. We believe that with a little promotion and creative use of eBook options, you can start to turn the tide toward more eBook use and enjoyment in your school.
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    Resource Type: Feature
    April Dawkins and Karen Gavigan were recently awarded an AASL Research Grant for their paper, "E-Books in High School Libraries: Factors Influencing Circulation and Usage," which examined how much, or how little, high schoolers were using library eBooks.
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    Resource Type: Webinars
    Research has shown that eBooks and audiobooks circulate more when librarians follow a clear plan to promote them in the school community. Join this webinar to learn creative and effective strategies for spreading the word about your digital collection and make sure those great resources get used!
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    Resource Type: Webinars
    In this webinar, you'll learn how critical listening skills can help your students succeed, how to use audiobooks to meet the literacy needs of all learners, and tips to fund your audiobook collection and get it circulating. Take a listen today!
  8. 8
    Resource Type: Article
    Stacey Rattner counts down ten great things about audiobooks.